Connections in seminars

  Thursday, September 13, 2018    |     Posted in Global Connections

Posted by Camilo Camargo, Head of School, Colegio Los Nogales, Colombia

At the heart of Global Connections lie our yearly seminars. This are amazing profesional development opportunities to learn about the educational system of another country, some of the challenges of the host country, and most of all, to meet and learn from other school leaders from around the world.

All seminars have multiple opportunities for participants to interact with each other through formal sessions to share  best practices, group sessions to discuss issues presented in the seminar, and formal and informal conversations. It is through these interactions that many connections between schools occur.

Global Connections schools share projects and student and teacher exchanges, among many things. Examples include joint service projects in Mexico, a world online chorus, visiting teachers, and student exchanges.

Our upcoming in Melbourne, Australia, hosted by Wesley College will be an incredible opportunity to learn about creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the context of K-12 schools.

We hope to see you there!

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